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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Inspirations in Tarot Newsletter

tarot card properties, interpretations, quotes, tips

Late again. Well, at least I've accomplished more in this lapse than the last! My wedding and reception are complete, I'm now Joani Collins. We're totally moved from residences in Nashville to Fayetteville. Our music store is actually stocked a month ahead of schedule and initial efforts to gain presence in the town where I went to high school (and left immediately following graduation) is starting to pay off. Thus, this month's card, six of wands :-)
Six of Wands,Spears Tarot card

Card Name: Six of Wands (or Spears/Rods)

Card Number: 6

Number Properties: Balance, health, contentment, satisfaction, marriage, family, sympathy, a choice.

Suit Properties: Work and spiritual issues, ideas, creativity, growth.

Astrological Sign: Leo

Element: Fire

Keywords: Optimism, success, recognition, team-work, creativity, dedication, humanitarianism.

More about Six of Wands Tarot card:

The "victory card" indicates the a start of a venture where success is assumed, i.e., being sent off by hopeful supporters to "win the good fight." This assumption is not based on conceit or arrogance but true confidence in the leader and team's skills and ability to succeed. The leader is the main figure in this card. However, this is obviously a team effort. Whether the leader is the querent or someone the querent is following/working with, the required optimism and drive are there to see the project through, so push forward and earn those laurels!

Don't let all that cheering go to your head. False esteem and overblown egos leave room for self-doubt and mistrust of teammates when the chips are down. Everyone must work together to reach their goals. Negativity kills so kill it first.

Favorite quote from Simple Truths, The Best of the Cockle Bur:

Love is the only fire against which there is no insurance. -Edith Piaf

Monthly Tip:

When you are seeking guidance in a certain area of your life and the answers seem slow in coming, it may be that your conscious mind is blocking your ability to see them. Try letting your "unconscious" cut to the heart of the matter for you. Choose a card that identifies with your problem area and meditate on it for a few minutes before bedtime. Place the card in your pillow case when you lay down. Before you go to sleep, relax and then tell yourself that you will dream of the solution to your dilemma and that you will remember all details of your dream. Don't forget to write down all your impressions upon waking. I keep a pad and pen by my bed for this purpose at all times, whether I'm seeking particular answers or not.

Monthly Spread:

Homework spread from Complete Book of Tarot Spreads, Evelin Burger and Johannes Fiebig. A very helpful spread for self-exploration:


11 12

7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6

Card 1: What did I learn?

Card 2: What can I rely on?

Card 3: Which fruits are ripe now?

Card 4: What results are still missing?

Card 5: Which one of my aspirations gives me strength?

Card 6: And which one weakens me?

Card 7: What fears will I confront?

Card 8: And which ones should I leave alone?

Card 9: Which one of my goals has proven to be positive?

Card 10: What is it that holds me back?

Card 11: What does not suit me?

Card 12: Where do I find support?

Card 13: How can I emphasize my wishes?

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